College Information
Michigan Training Connect is the state's official eligible training provider list (ETPL) for students working with the Michigan Works! network.
Vocational proprietary schools and their programs may be found through the Postsecondary Schools license search tool and Michigan Training Connect to find programs that prepare students for a third party industry recognized credential (includes credential cost information).
MiSchoolData maintains summaries and reporting on six-year success rates for Michigan community colleges and public universities. To view specifics for a college or university, use the drop-down menu.
In addition to the tuition data on Pathfinder, average tuition and fees associated with attendance at Michigan community colleges can be found on MiSchoolData. Use the drop-down menu to select a specific community college.
Average tuition and fees associated with attendance at Michigan public colleges and universities can also be found on the United States Department of Education College Scorecard website. Use the search function to find a specific college or university.
Financial Aid
Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the first step in seeking financial aid.
Paying for education after high school is a lifelong investment in achieving life's goals. Getting there may require the assistance of resources including the Federal and State Governments, private financial institutions, family contributions and individual savings. Get started with the Paying for College toolkit for more resources.
The Institute of College Access and Success (TICAS) Project on Student Debt publishes institutional data regarding the average debt of graduates, the percent of graduates with debt, and data regarding private loans. Additional data can be found on each institution's listing on the United States Department of Education College Scorecard website, such as median loan amount after graduation, typical monthly loan payment and median earnings post-degree.
When considering taking loans out for school, you may want to weigh the benefits of public service careers and certain forgiveness associated with those careers, such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness (employed by a government or nonprofit) or Teacher Loan Forgiveness. Find out more about types of loan forgiveness on the Federal Student Aid website. Public service careers are listed under "Serve my Community or Country."
MI Scholarship Search from the Michigan Department of Treasury can help with locating regional and locally available scholarships. You may also look within your community for additional public and private resources.
The State of Michigan offers a variety of scholarship and grant opportunities for students in Michigan.
MI Future Educator Fellowship offers $10,000 scholarships to up to 2,500 future educators every year.
MI Future Educator Stipend is a $9,600 stipend per semester to support Michigan's hardworking student teachers as they continue their journey to being in the classroom full-time.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship is available to students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after will be eligible for more financial aid from the State of Michigan. Those who qualify could receive up to $27,500 to attend a Michigan public university, private college or university, or enroll in a four-year degree program at a Michigan community college. That's up to $5,500 per year for up to five years.
Michigan Community College Guarantee is designed to help students pursue their dreams, goals and aspirations in Michigan. Graduating high school seniors are eligible to earn a skill certificate or degree at their local community college tuition-free. Students from the Class of 2023 and beyond may be eligible for the Community College Guarantee, which includes:
In-district tuition, contact hours and mandatory fees.
An additional $1,000 Michigan Achievement Bonus award for Pell-eligible students, which can be used toward additional college costs.
Michigan Reconnect offers free in-district tuition, contact hours and mandatory fees to Michiganders 25 or older to pursue a Pell-eligible skill certificate or associate degree at any of Michigan's public community colleges.
The Michigan Promise Zones Association provides information regarding place-based scholarship initiatives to increase educational attainment and spur economic growth in Michigan communities. Explore the Promise Zone Map to find out whether your community is part of a Promise Zone and to learn more through the specific Promise Zone websites.
Get A Job
Interested in exploring in-demand jobs in Michigan? Explore Michigan's Michigan Hot 50 Job Outlook through 2032, which includes the anticipated job growth, the average wage and the minimum education requirements for each occupation through 2028. The publication is intended to provide valuable career information to students in high school, vocational and community colleges, as well as job seekers. Additional occupational forecasts and research are available in Michigan's Online Job Demand, a publication from Michigan's Labor Market Information.
The Roadmap to Opportunity highlights in-demand, high-wage careers. Explore hot job career pathways that require a certificate or an associate degree. Hear from Michigan residents who have chosen these careers and why. The website includes pathway information for the careers, including information on available programs, hourly wage rates, and cool classes you can take.
Pure Michigan Talent Connect is your launch pad for new jobs, careers and job fairs. It is a tool connecting Michigan's job seekers and employers and serves as a central hub linking all public and private stakeholders who support Michigan's workforce. Pure Michigan Talent Connect serves as the state's labor exchange system.
The Michigan College Access Network has a list of Michigan certificate programs (PDF 770KB) which includes contact information.
Serve My Community or Country
You may be interested in opportunities to serve in the public safety sector or armed forces. If you're interested in serving the public safety sector, through becoming a firefighter or police officer, check to see what the minimum requirements are for the place you want to serve. Typically this will be either a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate, and a minimum age requirement.
Consider joining the Michigan Army National Guard or the Michigan National Guard
You may also consider serving your country by enlisting with the Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force or the United States Army.
AmeriCorps is another way to serve your community. Find out which AmeriCorps programs may fit you best, then complete the AmeriCorps Interest Form.
Public Service is defined as employment by government (federal, tribal, state, city, county, township), nonprofit organizations or certain types of not-for profit organizations. Some of these careers are among the most in-demand on Michigan's Hot 50 Job Outlook. A few examples of public service careers are highlighted below, and a comprehensive list is available on Links to public service career training and education opportunities can be found on the individual Pathfinder occupation detail or licenses and related credential sections.
I'm Not Sure / Assess My Skills
All students in Michigan are required to complete an Educational Development Plan (EDP). Students should be provided the opportunity to develop an EDP in 7th grade and review it in 8th grade. The law states EDPs must be started no later than 8th grade and updated annually throughout high school. Through an EDP, a student will identify career development goals related to academic requirements, have an opportunity to explore careers based on their interests, identify career pathways and goals for achieving success, and have an opportunity to develop a Talent Portfolio which includes proficiencies, certifications or accomplishments that demonstrate talents or marketable skills. Learn more about EDP fundamentals.
The Skills profiler will allow you to identify your skills and experiences which you can use to explore career paths and training options.
CareerOneStop Occupational Research
This Occupational Research tool allows you to use a keyword or menu search to find an occupation. Find detailed information on wages, employment trends, skills needed and training opportunities.
What do you want to do for a living? Search careers by keyword, industry or interests and training.
Enter your current or past job and find careers with matching skills.
The Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are, how they relate to the world of work and what kind of careers you might want to explore.
Complete the personality test to find out your personality type and explore career paths and workplace habits that fit your personality.
College Credit in High School
To review where opportunities are available within your prosperity region, please refer to this Geographic Information Systems Open Data map. Hover over the map regions to view prosperity region names.
Learn where Early Middle College Programs are available in your area. Early Middle Colleges (EMC) transform the typical high school experience into a five-year program of study culminating with a recognized credential.
Check with your school counselor to see what Advanced Placement (AP) courses may be available in your school or district. You can also view AP course availability through the College Board's AP Course Ledger.
If your school does not offer AP courses, you may consider AP options available through Michigan Virtual.
Find a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test location.
Students prepared for college-level coursework may consider participating in dual enrollment through a state university, community college or an independent non-profit degree-granting college or university that offers dual enrollment. Courses must be offered for postsecondary credit and not offered by the eligible student's high school (or not available to the student due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts). Learn more about dual enrollment opportunities.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes also offer opportunities to earn college credits in high school through a rigorous curriculum offered by an International Baccalaureate school.
Career Technical Education - Career Technical Education (CTE) programs may lead to college credit. Check for potential credit at Postsecondary Credit Agreements.
Additional Training Resources
The MiSTEM Network connects education, business and community partners across the state to transform the way Michigan does Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. - César Chávez - Rosa Parks (KCP) Initiative includes seven unique KCP Programs designed to assist students along the academic pipeline from sixth grade through graduate study.
Michigan Advanced Technician Training (MAT2) provides eligible high school seniors a three-year, no-cost program in an in-demand field with hands-on experience and an associate degree – all while getting paid!
Adult education provides opportunities for adults to improve education levels, obtain a high school credential, or become better English speakers.
OpenLearn Soft Skills Training (endorsed by Google) incorporates a wide variety of personality traits, communication and people skills, social attitudes and emotional intelligence — qualities that are increasingly important for success in the workplace. Through free courses on The Open University website (endorsed by Google), you can learn the importance of soft skills and study to enhance your soft skills right now.
Learning Express Library, offered through the Michigan eLibrary (MeL), provides resources to help you succeed, including practice tests, skill-building courses and eBooks.
Michigan Construction brings attention to construction careers and inspires people to connect with a future in construction.
Pathfinder Promotional Toolkit
Media Kit for Partners
Check out the Pathfinder Promotional Toolkit to help in sharing this tool with those who may find it useful. All components of this toolkit may be modified to suit your needs. There is also a zip drive of downloadable assets.